
Identification of Causal Pathways Determining the Relation Between Pathogen-Specific Infection and Impaired Growth in Children Aged ≤ 59 Months in Mirzapur, Bangladesh

Kurt Z. Long, Inong R Gunanti, Salvador Zamora, Georgina Mora, Matthew M. Hutmacher, Representing the Healthy Birth, Growth, and Development knowledge integration (HBGDki) Community


Burden of childhood diarrhea and malnutrition remain high in South Asia due to inadequate household sanitation, lack of access to improved water, and poor hygiene practices

We aimed to:

  • Determine causal pathways linking household factors, enteric pathogen infections, and impaired growth in children residing in rural communities of Bangladesh
  • Identify factors and pathways that are critical points in gastrointestinal parasite transmission pathways and childhood stunting


25th Annual Meeting of the Population Approach Group in Europe


Stunting, Wasting

Last Updated

September, 2017



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