
ELEnOR: Early Life Events and Outcomes Resource

  • Tool
  • Data Sharing
  • Multidisciplinary Analysis

A tool that highlights existing knowledge and identifies gaps to advance research 
in child growth and development.

The Ki Early Life Events and Outcomes Resource (ELEnOR), formerly known as the Seminal Events Timeline (SET), is a model designed to provide an organized, integrated map of biology and disease information to help global health workers identify information related to specific aspects of early childhood growth and development. The ELEnOR is meant to be an efficient basic tool that can highlight existing knowledge, identify gaps, and assist in generating hypotheses to advance research in the complex challenges of global health.

Researchers at UW START condensed information from 400 sources and created a detailed static knowledge map. The map described child growth from conception to puberty and showed the effects of disruptions on development. The map contained 483 information fields spanning 10 organ systems, 4 developmental domains, 38 adverse health outcomes, 53 risk factors, and 53 interventions.

The large size of the knowledge map made it difficult to access and use. Therefore, the START team collaborated with ki members to develop an interactive digital ELEnOR tool based on the static map. This type of interactive and collaborative knowledge map is being further evaluated for identifying internal and external expertise connections and hidden gaps that would improve global health decision making.

Intended Use

The tool is intended to facilitate collaboration, hypothesis development, and predictive modeling to improve our understanding of child growth and development.

A primary use case walk-through of Early Life Events and Outcomes Resource (formerly known as Seminal Events Timeline)

Start Date

April, 2016

Stage of Development

Design & Development

Team Members

R. Scott McClelland, MD, MPH, Diana Tordoff (UW START), Simrun Grewal (UW START), Chad P. Hall, MDes, Kristine Johnson, MAMS

The challenge

A key challenge for HBGDki is the integration of diverse information to accelerate the generation of actionable results from multidisciplinary collaborations between research, policy, and implementation personnel at the Foundation, members of the global health community, and data scientists.

Directed by faculty lead Scott McClelland, researchers at UW START (University of Washington Strategic Analysis, Research, & Training Center) condensed information from 400 sources and created a detailed static knowledge map in poster format. The map described child growth from conception to puberty and showed the effects of insults on development. The map contained 483 information fields spanning 10 organ systems, 4 developmental domains, 38 adverse health outcomes, 53 risk factors, and 53 interventions.

The large size of the poster map made it difficult to access and use. Therefore, the START team collaborated with HBGDki members to develop an interactive digital ELEnOR tool based on the static map.

The tool is intended to facilitate collaboration, hypothesis development, and predictive modeling to improve our understanding of child growth and development.

Key Features

Connected pathways

View connected pathways between related Health Outcomes, Risk Factors, and Interventions.

Build maps of events

Select from Organogenesis, Growth, & Maturation, Developmental Domains, Outcomes, Risk Factors, and Interventions to build filtered views of events in human development.

Narrow by age range

See specific periods of development by narrowing the time period of development from conception to age 13 years. Define whether to measure age from conception or birth.

Export views

Export timeline maps, pathways figures, and reference information for presentations, proposals, and further research.

temporal timelines and intervention pathways

The ELEnOR Digital Tool provides 4 interventions and clinical models that users can run data against:

Reactive Impact

Multicausal Impact for disease and health impacts happening at a particular point in the developmental timeline, determining what other causalities should be considered during the same stage of development for planning & prevention.

Predictive Modeling

Modeling around a specific known challenge, insult, or health outcome that is either broad or targeted to identify potential downstream effects, and areas where interventions could be implemented to mitigate these effects.

Intervention Opportunities

Multicausal Impact for disease and health impacts happening at a particular point in the developmental timeline, determining what other causalities should be considered during the same stage of development for planning & prevention.

Relational Awareness

Visual understanding of collected data set to broaden global understandings (changing knowledge).



Last Updated

November, 2020